Saturday, December 29, 2007
Charlotte's first bath

Charlotte's first week home!

This is Charli with daddy and Matt (his friend from high school) with 4 month old daughter Tori!

Here is Charli with Mary Jo, Sue's business partner and dear friend
Uncle Hap and Auntie Paula came to visit!!
We were touched that they made the long drive for us.

She's finally here!

She was a healthy 8 lbs, 5 ozs, and 20 inches in length. Daddy got to meet her before I did (as is usually the case with c-sections) and you can see he is already smitten!
Just a few more photos of Charlotte in the hospital. The nurses gave all the babies these cute santa caps.
I tried to get a few with her eyes open. This is about as good as it gets. She slept alot these days!
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Today is the big day!
You may be wondering how big I've gotten as I am over a week late........

Monday, November 26, 2007
Monday, November 19, 2007
Finally Mac gets to join in the fun!
This is something seen only when you bring the men to the party! A camoflauge onesie trimmed in lace (it is for a baby girl after all!)
Here is me displaying the darling pink outfit I opened for Sweet Pea
Here is our other host, Lisa's husband Allen. (and yes, there was beer and wine served at this shower)
Here's Papa, ready to start embarassing Sweet Pea before she even hits those teenage years!
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Our Pregnancy Photo Proofs
Monday, November 5, 2007
What a beautiful day!

Thank you everyone for a fabulous day!!!!
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
We're so spoiled!
Monday, October 22, 2007
Our First Anniversary

Except that Mac broke the rules and bought me this beautiful watch for our anniversary. We had agreed that the trip itself would be our gifts to each other. But I do love it!!!

We also took this architecture tour on the Chicago River. The buildings in downtown Chicago are amazing!

Mike Leister ( a friend and co-worker) and his wife Julie stayed through the weekend as well. They joined us on the tour and we had a great day afterwards walking and lunching!