Wednesday, October 31, 2007
We're so spoiled!
Monday, October 22, 2007
Our First Anniversary

Except that Mac broke the rules and bought me this beautiful watch for our anniversary. We had agreed that the trip itself would be our gifts to each other. But I do love it!!!

We also took this architecture tour on the Chicago River. The buildings in downtown Chicago are amazing!

Mike Leister ( a friend and co-worker) and his wife Julie stayed through the weekend as well. They joined us on the tour and we had a great day afterwards walking and lunching!
Here is what else we did!!
Another Baby Shower!!!
This is me, Lesley, and Deb in the middle. Deb was the leader in organizing this wonderful dinner! Thank you Deb!!

Here we are showing off our new jogging strollers!!! The team all pitched in to order these for us. What a wonderful gift!
As you can see by the color of our new brag books, Lesley is expecting a little boy!

And of course.... more clothes for little sweet pea. A girl can never have too many clothes!! Seriously!
Friday, October 12, 2007
Girl's' Night Out

Sunday, October 7, 2007
The Big Race
Here we are showing off the backs of our shirts. That's me, my boss, and Mac's back. He must have been feeling camera shy.
Here are the boys in their medals! Notice they are actually cowbells. That's my boss Greg, Mike, and Daddy!