That already doesn't mean what it used to! I got to have dinner and catch up with friends Dot and Robin in Santana Row. We stayed out until 10:45! That's the latest I've been out in many months! And of course little Sweet Pea got MORE presents, she is going to be the best dressed baby in Salinas!

Me and Dot in front of Maggiano's. Dot is living and working in London now so we were lucky to catch her on her brief visit home. Hopefully the Keely family will be able to visit her there in a few years.

Me and Robin! How about that belly! It still surprises me when I see pictures of myself...;) Robin has 2 little girls so she is a very good resource for me!

Finally we found a nice man to take a picture of all 3 of us; Dot, Robin and me!
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